Foothills Palo Verde
Parkinsonia microphylla

Good for naturalistic landscapes. Provides seed and cover to birds and other wildlife. Previously classified as Cercidium microphyllum.
The Basics
Type: TreesSun: Full/reflected SunHardiness: 15°FWater: Very LowNative to Sonoran DesertGrowth
Growth Rate: Slow-moderateMature Height: 15'Mature Width: 15'Mature Form: Shrub-likeFoliage
Semi-evergreenColor: Lime greenTexture: MediumWildlife
Bees Birds Butterflies Hummingbirds MothsFlowers
Flower Color: Sulfur yellowSeason: SpringComments
Litter: SeasonalThorns: Sharp branch tipsIrritation: NoneNative
Attracts Wildlife