Succulents & Accents
Yellow Bulbine
Bulbine frutescens

Does well in containers. Look for selections with orange flowers.
The Basics
Type: Succulents & AccentsSun: Partial SunHardiness: 15°FWater: LowNative South AfricaGrowth
Growth Rate: FastMature Height: 1'Mature Width: 2'Mature Form: ClumpingFoliage
EvergreenColor: Bright greenTexture: MediumWildlife
Bees Butterflies HummingbirdsFlowers
Flower Color: Yellow spikesSeason: Winter to springComments
Litter: LowThorns: NoneIrritation: NoneAttracts Wildlife
Pool Friendly

Photo By: Dave Seibert

Photo By: Carol Ward (orange)