AMWUA is a nonprofit corporation governed by a Board of Directors comprising mayors and council members representing its member cities and town. The Board of Directors is the policy setting body for AMWUA and they champion shared, long-term vision, planning, and policy for water management that ensure the ongoing prosperity of their communities and economies at a regional level.

20170629 SheriLauritanoOfficialHeadshot

The Honorable Sheri Lauritano

Anderson WEBSITE

The Honorable Scott Anderson

Mark Freeman

The Honorable Mark Freeman

Arlene Chin Web

The Honorable Arlene Chin


The year that Mayor Milton Graham of Phoenix, Mayor. J. Taylor of Mesa, and Mayor Bud Tims of Scottsdale formed AMWUA to coordinate on water-related issues and planning.

CM Crawford Photo Website

The Honorable Jennifer Crawford

Curtis Neilson

The Honorable Curtis Nielson


The number of municipalities that meet the requirements to be AMWUA members. Membership is limited by AMWUA's bylaws.

CM Matt Orlando Web

The Honorable Matt Orlando

Ortega Web

The Honorable David Ortega

Bart Turner

The Honorable Bart Turner

CW Hodge Washington Web

The Honorable Kesha Hodge Washington