Access to multiple water sources strengthens our water security

Published Sep 24, 2024

We can live in the middle of the desert because we consistently plan and invest to ensure safe, reliable, and sustainable water supplies for the present and the future. By investing in and safeguarding the rights to various water sources, the ten cities of AMWUA are better prepared for long-term and short-term challenges that may arise, such as a shortage that affects one of those sources.

In our arid state, it may surprise many that we are fortunate to have a variety of water sources. This diverse range of water supplies plays a crucial role in ensuring the resilience of our desert communities and bringing water security for all. 

We recently observed Protect Your Groundwater Day and Source Water Protection Week - events that perfectly set the stage to highlight the diverse water sources that contribute to the water portfolios of the AMWUA cities.

Colorado River Water

  • The Central Arizona Project (CAP)  operates a 336-mile canal system that brings Colorado River water to central and southern Arizona, where 80 percent of the state’s population resides.
  • With 14 pumping plants, CAP lifts the Colorado River from Lake Havasu, which is at sea level, to an elevation of 2,800 feet at the end of the canal in Tucson.
  • Over the past two decades, the Colorado River has been producing historically less water due to a severe drought, an increasingly hot and dry climate, and an imbalance between water supply and demand. The Federal Government and the Colorado River Basin States need to address these challenges by deciding how the River will be managed after 2026 when the current operational guidelines expire.
  • For now, the Colorado River system has been spared falling into critical operational levels because of favorable run-off in 2023 from an above-average snowfall and several AMWUA cities and other Colorado River users' commitment to leaving water in Lake Mead. Due to this, we will stay in a Tier 1 Shortage for 2024 under the current guidelines

Salt and Verde River Water

  • The Salt River Project (SRP)  operates eight dams, seven reservoirs, and 131 miles of canals that bring water from the Salt and Verde Rivers  to the Valley. 
  • The Salt and Verde rivers flow into Roosevelt Lake behind Roosevelt Dam, the largest reservoir in SRP’s system, and can hold 1.6 million acre-feet, or enough to meet SRP contracts for two years.
  • As the climate continues to change, research shows the Verde River watershed will experience dryer dry periods and wetter wet periods. To find a long-term solution, SRP is working on increasing the storage capacity for the Verde River reservoir system over the next decade. A group of 23 partners, including the AMWUA cities, other municipalities, tribal, and agricultural, have committed to support the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s feasibility study of options to modify Bartlett Dam .

Recycled Water

  • Reusing water ensures we maximize every drop more than once. This water source is also often referenced as reclaimed water .
  • All AMWUA cities have been maximizing the use of recycled water for decades by putting the vast majority to beneficial use. It is used for energy production, creating riparian habitats, irrigating sports fields, golf courses, non-edible crops, and commercial landscapes.
  • Cities also use recycled water to recharge aquifers by storing it underground and  making it available when needed.
  • Many water providers are assessing Advanced Water Purification (AWP)  to maximize their water supply. This state-of-the-art technology, which has been used worldwide and in space by NASA, will help us stretch our water supplies in Arizona. 


  • The AMWUA cities understand the importance of preserving groundwater  and have been stalwart supporters of the 1980 Groundwater Management Act (GMA).
  • Groundwater remains the ultimate backup for extended drought and water shortages.
  • Safeguarding our groundwater supplies and sustaining our aquifers in the Phoenix AMA has provided a strong foundation for our desert communities' economic development. We must continue to manage and protect this finite supply to ensure our communities can thrive for decades.

As we look ahead to a future with less water availability, the AMWUA municipalities are committed to responsibly managing our water resources. They achieve this by strategically investing in water infrastructure, implementing measures to safeguard our water supplies, and undertaking initiatives to improve and expand our water sources. By adopting this approach, they aim to secure the long-term sustainability of our water resources. Diversifying our water sources and establishing resilient water systems will not only bolster the economic strength of the Valley but also foster a more sustainable way of life for all residents in our arid environment.

For 55 years, the Arizona Municipal Water Users Association has worked to protect our member cities’ ability to provide assured, safe, and sustainable water supplies to their communities. For more water information, visit .

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