Cities understand the importance of providing accurate information on the Colorado River shortage to their communities

Published Oct 25, 2022

The Colorado River is undoubtedly facing a crisis, and uncertainty remains about how the Federal Government and the Basin States will stabilize the River. The US Bureau of Reclamation announced this month that it will use federal funds to incentivize Colorado River water users to leave water in Lake Mead. Unfortunately, without committed long-term reductions, this voluntary system conservation is not enough to stop the River’s current trajectory towards dead pool. 

The uncertainty surrounding this vital water supply is a huge trial for the ten AMWUA cities as they continue to plan for a future with less Colorado River. Still, without an action plan from Reclamation, municipal water providers face many unknowns including how to effectively prepare to ensure water reliability to their communities without actually knowing how much less Colorado River water they will have. 

The uncertainty surrounding the Colorado River is a complicated scenario for water providers and confusing for those not immersed in the water world. This is why the AMWUA cities want to ensure their residents understand precisely what this all means for them and their communities by providing concise information about the Colorado River situation.

These enhanced outreach and education efforts are important initiatives by the cities. They want their residents to have the facts and allow them to learn more about the circumstances facing all of us. To achieve this, they have been busy creating informative web pages and documents that outline essential facts, including:

  • Where your city gets water from.
  • What a Colorado River shortage means explicitly to your community.
  • How your city has prepared, and the additional actions currently being taken despite the uncertainty.
  • And simple steps that each of us can take to help our communities remain resilient and sustainable.

In addition to ensuring this information is available at your fingertips or delivered directly to your home, many cities have held more in-depth learning opportunities, such as Water 101 courses, citizen water academies, and spearheaded new initiatives like the City of Phoenix Town Hall meeting series that will take place throughout the community over the next few weeks.

While the ten AMWUA cities regularly work together in collaboration and partnership due to their similarities, each city’s water portfolio varies from its neighbor's, as they all have different combinations of water sources, including Colorado River water. To learn more about your city’s preparations, water portfolios, and how they plan for drought and shortage, visit their individual websites below to learn more.




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For over 50 years, Arizona Municipal Water Users Association has worked to protect our member cities’ ability to provide assured, safe, and sustainable water supplies to their communities. For more water information, visit .

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