BY: Warren TenneyMilestone Achieved but Mission to Educate and Inform Continues
The AMWUA Blog is hitting a milestone – our 300th edition. So we thought this would be a good time to highlight the array of subject matter that has been addressed over the years. And although the topics of our blog have varied, the goal has remained the same – to provide understandable, reliable and useful information to help ensure all readers - decision makers, residents, business owners, and water professionals - are informed on all relevant issues, challenges and matters that affect us all here in the Valley as well as across Arizona.
We have continually aimed to take the mystery out of complex issues about water management, water policy and water conservation, by providing useful facts, numbers or statistics from credible sources and research, while highlighting what it takes to deliver water to our faucets, how we can all do our part to conserve water, and also provide a little history on water policy, how it is changing or how it needs to change.
Since its inception in March 2014, the blog has allowed us the opportunity to better tackle issues and topics that remain consistent with our core vision - to successfully advocate and lead on water issues, ensuring that our members’ water supplies are protected and enhanced, and that laws and regulations support economic prosperity and water resources sustainability. We want to continue to strive to be a valuable resource to our members, water professionals, policy-makers, educators and the general public. Here are some past posts that highlight our main objectives while providing valuable information that is always applicable.
Together with our member municipalities - Avondale, Chandler, Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, Peoria, Phoenix, Mesa, Scottsdale, and Tempe, we work together in collaboration for the common purpose of protecting water resources in the Valley.
Here are some blogs that highlight how this cooperation and unique partnership brings sustainability through strong water management:
Together we have continued to successfully advocate for innovative solutions in a host of significant efforts for our members. Most recently, significant steps were taken to protect our Colorado River supplies with the creation of the Drought Contingency Plan (DCP), but here are a few blogs that highlight how important advocacy is in achieving our collective goals:
We all benefit from having a better understanding of all things water-related including our water resources, policies, programs, and challenges.
Conservation is collectively embedded in our long-term management strategies and continues today. It has made a regional impact as it changed the culture of our landscapes, achieved conservation objectives, and made our communities more resilient. Together we can and are making a difference.
We know the importance of planning, investing, and developing forward-thinking policies today, to ensure we have safe, reliable, and sustainable water supplies for the future. We also understand that being informed on the collective issues we face, is just as important, which is why providing insight and facts will remain a priority for us here at AMWUA every week. Citizens who understand water, where it comes from and how it makes life as we know it sustainable in this desert climate, are more likely to take actions that will help us in our collective long-term water management goals.
In closing please note that all 299 blogs are hosted on our website and can be searched by topic or keyword so I encourage you to explore the wide range of info available at your fingertips.
For 50 years, Arizona Municipal Water Users Association has worked to protect our member cities’ ability to provide assured, safe and sustainable water supplies to their communities. For more water information visit .
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