Landscaping with Style
Learn About Plants
Desert-Adapted Plants
The wide variety of available desert-adapted plants offers many beautiful choices that add texture, softness, seasonal color, and form to the landscape. Many low water use plant species are native to our area, while others have been imported from other parts of the United States and from around the world. The possibilities for creating beautiful, easy to care for landscapes that thrive in our environment are endless.
Start exploring your options with AMWUA’s Landscape Plants for the Arizona Desert website , a searchable online database of 224 plants chosen by local landscape professionals. The selected plants are drought hardy, adapted to local conditions, and well suited to residential landscapes. Browse hundreds of photos, plant combinations, plant categories and lists of special uses, like pool plants and rabbit resistant plants.

Tips on Selecting Plants
Where to Learn About Desert-Adapted Plants
- Books on desert-adapted plants written specifically for our area
- Local retail garden centers
- Local newspapers (some have regular articles on desert gardening and plants)