Landscaping with Style

Make a Wishlist


If you don't already know what you want from your landscape, now is the time to pull ideas into a wish list and begin to make decisions.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What do I want my yard to look like and what do I want to see when I look out my windows?
  • What functions do I want my yard to serve? Do I want a play area, entertainment area, or a quiet place to relax?
  • Do I want color or shade? Do I want my landscape to help conserve energy, and do I want to create wildlife habitat in my yard?
  • Where would be the best places for functional areas like a pool or spa, a play area, a relaxation area, or a vegetable garden be? What size do I want them, and where should they be located?
Landscaping with Style Design Step 2

Tips for Making a Wishlist

  • Browse our landscape gallery  to explore the diversity of landscapes that can be achieved. These examples are provided to give you some ideas and, perhaps, to inspire you during your own design process.
  • Walk, bike or drive around your neighborhood to get some design ideas. You may want to visit commercial developments and other residential developments as well.
  • Take photographs of everything you like, no matter where you find it; from fabulous model homes to the bank on the corner.
  • Keep a folder on your laptop, make an old-fashioned scrapbook, or use platforms like Houzz or Pinterest to collect and organize ideas and inspiration visually. Include pictures of outdoor furniture, pools and spas, patios, walkways, lighting, outdoor barbecue areas and other interesting and attractive landscape features.

After completing your wish list, take some time to think it over. Later, revisit your list and see if you have changed your mind or forgotten anything. Revise the list accordingly.