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On The Job: Mechanic’s Career Path Includes Meter Reading Marathon

BY: Warren TenneyPublished: Apr 23, 2018

There was that morning when Joe Carbajal found himself cornered in a backyard facing down two pit bulls – one of which had his wrist in her teeth. The dog broke the skin but caused no permanent damage. It was the only dog that ever bit Joe during his three years reading water and gas meters for the City of Mesa. This was just one job on a career path Joe calls “kind of random.” That path has taken...

BY: Warren Tenney

Apr 16 2018

Project WET: Teachers Strengthen Conservation Culture

Students who participate in Arizona Project WET programs get wet and dirty exploring river bottoms and wetlands. They learn a little about plumbing and irrigation systems and understand where water comes from and why it’s a precious resource. University of Arizona’s Project WET helps to strengthen the state’s conservation culture among future generations while teaching kids science, technology, en...

BY: Warren Tenney

Apr 09 2018

Is Arizona Doing Everything It Can to Avoid Shortage on the Colorado River?

The AMWUA cities believe more must be done to keep the federal government from declaring a shortage on the Colorado River.  Here are the reasons why this is important to you:...

BY: Warren Tenney

Apr 02 2018

Do Your Homework Before Visiting The Nursery

Homeowners need to do a little homework to get the most out of their shopping trip to a nursery. Professionals at your nursery have the know-how to help you plant and maintain a lovely, drought-tolerant yard, but they can best help if you come prepared. ...

BY: Warren Tenney

Mar 26 2018

Water Transfers: Transporting Water in a Desert

In a dry land, water is the most precious of resources. So when you start talking about transferring water rights and moving large quantities of water from one region to another, the issues, headlines and rhetoric can get heated. ...

BY: Warren Tenney

Mar 19 2018

Fix A Leak Week: Time To Save Water And Money

Fix a Leak Week is a funny name for a week with a serious message. U.S. homes waste a startling amount of drinking water. The average household’s leaks can account for more than 10,000 gallons of water wasted every year. Ten percent of homes have leaks that waste 90 gallons or more per day. Over the course of a year, those leaks can waste nearly 1 trillion gallons nationwide – as much as the annua...

BY: Warren Tenney

Mar 12 2018

10 Pruning Tips To Healthier, Prettier Desert Trees

Investing in a tree adds shade to your yard, value to your home and is a gift to your city. The ...

BY: Warren Tenney

Mar 05 2018

Well Managed Cooling Towers Can Save Water, Energy and Money

There is a good chance that a cooling tower system helps to cool the buildings where you work, shop and play. There are about 12,000 cooling towers operating in Phoenix Metropolitan area schools and office buildings, hospitals, industrial facilities,  movie theaters, libraries and grocery stores. By design, these systems demand a high volume of water to operate. How these systems are routinely mai...

BY: Warren Tenney

Feb 26 2018

SRP Water Conservation Expo: Meet A Fish, See A Robot, Save Money

On March 3 about 1,000 people will pick up a new weather-based smart irrigation controller for their home at a fraction of the retail cost. These ...

BY: Warren Tenney

Feb 19 2018

Partnership Protects Water Supplies For Phoenix And Avondale

AMWUA cities routinely build partnerships to make sure they can deliver safe, reliable and affordable water to their residents all day every day. The cities share the cost of building and expanding water and wastewater treatment plants and share underground storage and recharge facilities that replenish aquifers. More recently, cities have been collaborating to make sure they can efficiently bolst...

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