News Room
Media Contact
Sheri Trapp
Phone: (623) 698 2044
May 092016
DesertSun: Sally Jewell sees progress in Colorado River talks
"'s extraordinary collaboration. It's extraordinary in terms of its scope and scale and the fact that people are staying at the table and working together."...
May 092016
AZ Capitol Times: In slap to lawmakers, Ducey to veto 'bad' water bills
Governor: We're not going to allow bills that get in the way of the 1980 Act or take away from the work of the people that have come before in protecting AZ's water....
May 092016
Governor Ducey: "I will not sign legislation that threatens Arizona's water future"
Governor Ducey vetoes SB1268 & SB1400, stating that the certainty and sustainability of Arizona water is a top priority....
May 052016
ADWR: AZ and its Colorado River water: A public briefing on potential allocation shortfalls in the works
A public briefing has been scheduled to inform water-users statewide about the complex challenges the region may face in coming years...
May 052016
AZ Daily Star: With budget passed legislators deal with flurry of bills
SB1268 and SB1400, which weaken Arizona's groundwater management efforts, head to the Governor's desk...