Landscape Plants for the Arizona Desert
Most wildflowers are grown from seeds sown in the fall, though some species can be found in containers at nurseries in spring. A few of the selections recommended here are cultivated annuals, not true wildflowers. When purchasing seeds, look for quality, locally grown or collected seeds, and avoid “instant” meadow mixes because they may not be suitable for our region. Start your wildflower garden by seeding small areas to gain experience and to see what you like. Select several species that will bloom simultaneously, and experiment with color combinations, such as the yellow-gold of the Mexican gold poppy with the purple of owl’s clover. Over the years, a wildflower garden will take on its own character as plants reseed, spread, and mature.

Arizona Poppy

Arroyo Lupine

Blanket Flower

Blue Flax

Desert Bluebells

Desert Coreopsis

Five Spot

Garden Cosmos

Golden Dyssodia

Mexican Gold Poppy

Owl's Clover

Red Flax

Shirley Poppy