Landscape Plants for the Arizona Desert
Trees tend to be the “backbone” of the landscape since they are more prominent in scale, permanent, and visible year-round while bringing a variety of seedpods, flowers, and colors. Trees also provide shelter and food for birds and wildlife. Trees can help decrease heating and cooling costs for your home. Locate trees to shade your home’s east- and west-facing exposures during the summer. Deciduous trees allow sunlight into the house during the winter when branches are bare of leaves. Selecting the right tree for the right place is important. When considering their placement, be sure the mature tree will fit safely into your yard without interfering with overhead power lines, underground utilities, buildings or fences, and walkways.

Anacacho Orchid Tree

Blackbrush Acacia

Blue Palo Verde

Canyon Hackberry


Chaste Tree

Chinese Pistache


Desert Willow

Evergreen Elm

Feather Bush

Floss Silk Tree

Foothills Palo Verde

Fruitless Olive

Ghost Gum


Hybrid Palo Verde



Leatherleaf Acacia

Live Oak

Mastic Tree

Mexican Bird of Paradise

Mexican Blue Palm

Mexican Buckeye

Mexican Ebony

Palo Blanco

Palo Brea

Shoestring Acacia

South American Mesquite Hybrid

Sweet Acacia


Texas Ebony

Texas Honey Mesquite

Texas Mountain Laurel

Velvet Mesquite

Whitethorn Acacia