Texas Honey Mesquite
Prosopis glandulosa

Provides graceful character to the landscape. Look for thornless selections, where available. Flowers attract native bees and other pollinators. Provides seed and shelter to birds and wildlife. Allergenic (often caused by foliage). P. glandulosa v. torreyana is the Western Honey Mesquite.
The Basics
Type: TreesSun: Full/reflected SunHardiness: 0°FWater: Very LowNative to southwestern US and northern MexicoGrowth
Growth Rate: FastMature Height: 30'Mature Width: 30'Mature Form: Wide crownFoliage
DeciduousColor: Bright greenTexture: FineWildlife
Bees Birds Other pollinators and wildlifeFlowers
Flower Color: Pale yellowSeason: SpringComments
Litter: SeasonalThorns: LargeAllergenicIrritation: Leaves can irritate skinAttracts Wildlife

Photo By: Dave Seibert

Photo By: Carol Ward