Succulents & Accents
Desert Spoon
Dasylirion wheeleri

Distinct accent plant with twisting leaves. Stalk bloom attracts bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. Also try D. acrotriche for shady areas.
The Basics
Type: Succulents & AccentsSun: Full SunHardiness: 0°FWater: LowNative Chihuahuan and Sonoran DesertsGrowth
Growth Rate: ModerateMature Height: 4'Mature Width: 4'Mature Form: Open rosetteFoliage
EvergreenColor: Gray-greenTexture: CoarseWildlife
Bees Butterflies Other pollinatorsFlowers
Flower Color: Cream on tall stalksSeason: Late spring to summerComments
Litter: LowThorns: Sawtooth leavesIrritation: NoneAttracts Wildlife
Rabbit Resistant

Photo By: Dave Seibert