Desert Willow
Chilopsis linearis

Deciduous throughout the colder months, dropping its leaves in late fall. Beautiful trumpet-shaped flowers, occurring spring to fall, attract hummingbirds and are pollinated by carpenter bees and bumblebees. Look for selections that offer a variety of flower colors, branching structures, and leaf forms.
The Basics
Type: TreesSun: Full SunHardiness: 0°FWater: LowNative southwestern US, northern MexicoGrowth
Growth Rate: FastMature Height: 25'Mature Width: 20'Mature Form: IrregularFoliage
DeciduousColor: Medium greenTexture: MediumWildlife
Bumblebees Carpenter bees HummingbirdsFlowers
Flower Color: White, pink, purple, trumpet-shapedSeason: Spring to fallComments
Litter: SeasonalThorns: NoneIrritation: NoneAttracts Wildlife

Photo By: Dave Seibert

Photo By: Carol Ward