Yellow Orchid Vine
Callaeum macropterum

Yellow flowers are followed by large, paper-like pods that change color from chartreuse to copper when mature. Also try Mascagnia lilacina for purple flowers. Previously classified as M. macroptera.
The Basics
Type: VinesSun: Full SunHardiness: 22°FWater: LowNative Baja California and northern Sonora, Mexico to Central and South AmericaGrowth
Growth Rate: ModerateMature Height: 15'Mature Width: 15'Mature Form: TwiningFoliage
EvergreenColor: Medium greenTexture: MediumWildlife
Flower Color: Yellow clustersSeason: Late spring to early summerComments
Litter: SeasonalThorns: NoneIrritation: NoneNative

Photo By: Dave Seibert