Argentine Hedgehog
Echinopsis huascha

Features some of the most spectacular flowers of all landscape cacti. Look for selections that offer a wide range of flower colors. Previously classified as Trichocereus huascha.
The Basics
Type: CactiSun: Full Sun, Partial SunHardiness: 10°FWater: LowNative ArgentinaGrowth
Growth Rate: ModerateMature Height: 2'Mature Width: 3'Mature Form: ClumpingFoliage
EvergreenColor: Medium greenTexture: Yellow spinesWildlife
Hummingbirds Other pollinatorsFlowers
Flower Color: Orange and red, showySeason: Spring to summerComments
Litter: LowThorns: SmallIrritation: NoneAttracts Wildlife
Rabbit Resistant

Photo By: Dave Seibert