Succulents & Accents
Cape Aloe
Aloe ferox

Showy candelabra-shaped flower spikes attract hummingbirds. Provides an "oasis" feel. Also try A. marlothii and Aloidendron dichotomum .
The Basics
Type: Succulents & AccentsSun: Partial SunHardiness: 25°FWater: Very LowNative to South AfricaGrowth
Growth Rate: ModerateMature Height: 8'Mature Width: 3'Mature Form: Upright rosetteFoliage
EvergreenColor: Blue-greenTexture: CoarseWildlife
Flower Color: Orange-red spikesSeason: Winter to springComments
Litter: LowThorns: Sharp tipsIrritation: NoneAttracts Wildlife
Rabbit Resistant

Photo By: Dave Seibert