Purple Prickly Pear
Opuntia santa-rita

Cold or dry weather causes pads to take on striking purplish color. Also try O. macrocentra.
The Basics
Type: CactiSun: Full/reflected SunHardiness: 10°FWater: Very LowNative to Chihuahuan and Sonoran DesertsGrowth
Growth Rate: ModerateMature Height: 4'Mature Width: 5'Mature Form: Shrub-likeFoliage
EvergreenColor: Green-purpleTexture: Tan spinesWildlife
Flower Color: YellowSeason: SpringComments
Litter: LowThorns: SmallIrritation: NoneNative
Rabbit Resistant

Photo By: Dave Seibert

Photo By: Carol Ward